The Death Penalty in Belarus

The Death Penalty in Belarus

The documentary book, “The Death Penalty in Belarus”, was prepared in the framework of the campaign, “Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus”. The book contains information on the death penalty in Belarus from 1998 to 2016, as it was in 1998 when the mother of Ivan Famin, a man who was executed for someone else’s crimes, appealed to the Human Rights Center “Viasna”. Among the exclusive materials presented in this pu... Болей »

The Geopolitical Place of Belarus in Europe and the World

The Geopolitical Place of Belarus in Europe a...

Матэрыялы канфэрэнцыі «Геапалітычнае месца Беларусі ў Эўропе і сьвеце» – гэта збор спавешчаньняў грамадзка-палітычных дзеячоў і прадстаўнікоў сучаснай беларускай культуры, якія правялі двухдзённыя дэбаты за «круглым сталом», а таксама адбытую па іх дыскусію. Яны дазволяць чытачам – студэнтам і навукоўцам, а таксама супрацоўнікам міністэрстваў, адказных за кантакты зь Беларусьсю, – пазнаёміцца з досыць шырокай інтэрпрэтацыяй сучаснай пал... Болей »

The Journal of Belarusian Studies, Vol. 7, No. 2 / 2014

The Journal of Belarusian Studies

Vol. 7, No. 2 / 2014

Established in 1965, the Journal of Belarusian Studies is the oldest English-language scholarly periodical on Belarusian studies in the world. It aims to promote interdisciplinary exchange between scholars in all major fields of Belarusian studies. The substantive focus of the peer-reviewed journal is on Belarusian society, particularly on societal and cultural change. The Journal invites submissions of articles and book reviews in all ... Болей »

The Journal of Belarusian Studies, Vol. 7, No. 3 / 2015

The Journal of Belarusian Studies

Vol. 7, No. 3 / 2015

Established in 1965, the Journal of Belarusian Studies is the oldest English-language scholarly periodical on Belarusian studies in the world. It aims to promote interdisciplinary exchange between scholars in all major fields of Belarusian studies. The substantive focus of the peer-reviewed journal is on Belarusian society, particularly on societal and cultural change. The Journal invites submissions of articles and book reviews in all ... Болей »

The Journal of Byelorussian Studies, Vol. III, No. 2 - Year X / 1974

The Journal of Byelorussian Studies

Vol. III, No. 2 - Year X / 1974

Established in 1965, the Journal of Belarusian Studies is the oldest English-language scholarly periodical on Belarusian studies in the world. It aims to promote interdisciplinary exchange between scholars in all major fields of Belarusian studies. The substantive focus of the peer-reviewed journal is on Belarusian society, particularly on societal and cultural change. The Journal invites submissions of articles and book reviews in all ... Болей »

The Journal of Byelorussian Studies, Vol. IV, No. 3-4 - Years XV-XVI / 1980

The Journal of Byelorussian Studies

Vol. IV, No. 3-4 - Years XV-XVI / 1980

Established in 1965, the Journal of Belarusian Studies is the oldest English-language scholarly periodical on Belarusian studies in the world. It aims to promote interdisciplinary exchange between scholars in all major fields of Belarusian studies. The substantive focus of the peer-reviewed journal is on Belarusian society, particularly on societal and cultural change. The Journal invites submissions of articles and book reviews in all ... Болей »

The Journal of Byelorussian Studies, Vol. VI, No. 1 - Year XXI / 1988

The Journal of Byelorussian Studies

Vol. VI, No. 1 - Year XXI / 1988

Established in 1965, the Journal of Belarusian Studies is the oldest English-language scholarly periodical on Belarusian studies in the world. It aims to promote interdisciplinary exchange between scholars in all major fields of Belarusian studies. The substantive focus of the peer-reviewed journal is on Belarusian society, particularly on societal and cultural change. The Journal invites submissions of articles and book reviews in all ... Болей »

Mironowicz Antoni, Pawluczuk Urszula, Walczak Wojciech, The Orthodox Church in the Balkans and Poland Connections and Common Tradition

The Orthodox Church in the Balkans and Poland...

Mironowicz Antoni, Pawluczuk Urszula, Walczak Wojciech

This volume contains reports which were presented at the international conference "The Orthodox Church in the Balkans and Poland Connections and Common Tradition". The conference was organized by The Chair of the History of East-Central Europe of the University of Bialystok in cooperation with the University of Athens and the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw. This book presents articles which are an introduction to the history of... Болей »

The Political System of Belarus and the 2001 Presidential Election

The Political System of Belarus and the 2001 ...

Analytical Articles

Прэзыдэнцкія выбары выклікалі вялікае напружаньне і ўзрушэньне ў беларускіх масах. Цягам летніх месяцаў наконт іх вынікаў выказваліся самыя незвычайныя прагнозы. У дзеяньне былі прыведзеныя агромністыя людзкія і матэрыяльныя рэсурсы. У нейкі момант здалося, што 9 верасьня мы станем сьведкамі сьмяротнай сутычкі дзьвюх найважнейшых у краіне сілаў — сыстэмы ўлады і сыстэмы апазыцыі. Значэньне гэтай даты дружна падкрэсьлілі абодва палітычны... Болей »

The Pontifical Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom

The Pontifical Liturgy of Saint John Chrysost...

A manuscript of the 17 thCentury in the Slavonic text and Latin translation.

In making available to the general public the manuscript of the Slavonic-Latin Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, the original of which is to be found in the Byelorussian Library of Francis Skaryna in London, we hope to acquaint a wider circle of liturgists with an authentic text of the pontifical celebration of the Divine Liturgy and its ceremonies which were celebrated according to the order (ustau) of the Eastern Catholic Church of the ... Болей »

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