Гісторыя грамадства шчыльна знітаваная з развіццём культуры, якая адлюстрроўвае ўзровень нацыянальнай, класавай, індывідуальнай свядомасці прадстаўнікоў чалавечай супольнасці. Рэлігія – адзін са стрыжняў духоўнага жыцця народа. Відавочна, што мова, на якой чалавек звяртаецца да Бога, накладае свой адбітак на светаўспрыманне і светаадчуванне людзей. У незалежных краінах у цэрквах і касцёлах мусіць гучаць уласная мова. Аднак са стратай дз... Болей »
Białoruś. Co czyta o niej Jaś i co będzie potem wiedział Jan? Dokładnie nic, niczym o Papuasach w Nowej Gwinei... Najogólniej mówiąc, jest to zasługa rosyjskiego imperializmu i polskiego etnocentryzmu. Wina w tym też i samych Białorusinów, którzy zamiast mieć to już dawno za sobą, dopiero teraz wybijają się na własne państwo, wychodzą na postrzegany horyzont. Nie jest to bowiem naród ledwie wykluwający się w Europie ojczyzn, lecz aż z t... Болей »
Otwartość na innych jest wartością bardzo istotną dla życia społecznego i człowieka jako jednostki. Wiąże się ona z przeświadczeniem o tym, że inny wzbogaca nas duchowo, a my możemy wzbogacić jego. Pojęcie to niesie z sobą konotacje dotyczące szanowania ludzkiej podmiotowości, szacunek dla drugiego człowieka, zaufanie do niego, rozumienie go, tolerancję. Pojęcie to wiąże się także z autokrytycyzmem i ludzką mądrością. Otwartość bowiem j... Болей »
The English term "White Russia" originated, most probably, from the Latin "Russia Alba" or "Ruthenia Alba" which is the literal translation from Slavonic "Byelaya Rus". ('ye' pronounced as in English 'yet' and 'u' as in 'rule'). The term "Russia" without any adjective but with its present meaning was unknown in English terminology until the beginning of the l8-th cen., and the territory now known as "Russia" was called "Muscovy" or "Mos... Болей »
Antra pataisyta Žalgirio mūšio jubiliejui skirto leidinio (2009) laida 1409–1411 m. Didysis karas ir jo kulminacija – Žalgirio mūšis – kilo tarp Lenkijos ir Lietuvos valstybės bei Kryžiuočių ordino dėl jo kolonijinės ekspansijos į Rytus ir siekio užvaldyti Žemaitiją. Sąjungininkų pergalė Žalgirio lauke, netoli kryžiuočių sostinės Marienburgo, lėmė tai, kad Žemaitija buvo pripažinta Lietuvai. Žalgirio mūšis buvo katastrofa Ordinui, nužy... Болей »
For two and a hali years, l was a tederal prosecutor in the Office of Special Investigations of the Criminal Division of the Justice Department, which is also known as the Nazi war crimes unit. Ourjob was to search for and prosecute Nazi war criminals living in the United States. I was coordinator of a highły ciassified inquiry called the Belarus Project. This book describes that project, which focused on one particular group of Nazi W... Болей »
Dear friends, In making your choice of university and course of study you will be giving careful consideration to all the options open to you. This Prospectus is designed to introduce you to the Belarusian State University and to help you come to a decision that will suit your needs and abilities. The Belarusian State University is one of the oldest and the largest multidisciplinary educational establishment both in the CIS countries an... Болей »
The author wishes to express his special thanks to Professor Ernest J. Simmons of Columbia University, whose encouragement, advice and suggestions have helped to bring this book to completion. He also wishes to express his gratitude to the Research Program on the U.S.S.R. whose material assistance has made possible the realization of the study. In addition, he wishes to thank the three translators of the work. Mr. Franklin Reeve transla... Болей »
The book you are holding in your hands was created to show more than 20 years of the history of the Republic of Belarus. It describes the fate of more than a hundred political prisoners. The publication was released in two dual-language versions (Belarusian and Polish, and English and Polish) and contains information about the persecution of 187 Belarusian opposition activists, representatives of independent organizations and social act... Болей »
The documentary book, “The Death Penalty in Belarus”, was prepared in the framework of the campaign, “Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus”. The book contains information on the death penalty in Belarus from 1998 to 2016, as it was in 1998 when the mother of Ivan Famin, a man who was executed for someone else’s crimes, appealed to the Human Rights Center “Viasna”. Among the exclusive materials presented in this pu... Болей »