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Oddajemy do rąk Państwa drugi numer Biuletynu Wschodniego, poświęcony praktycznie w całości idei Zielonych Płuc Europy. W naszym rozumieniu idea ta, to nie tylko ochrona przyrody, ale również współpraca międzynarodowa, regionalna, sprawy kulturowe i narodowościowe. Celem naszej działalności jest aktywizacja środowisk społecznych polskich, białoruskich, litewskich i ukraińskich oraz wymiana doświadczeń i poglądów ludzi zainteresowanych i... Болей »
Sytuacja Polski, wbrew pozorom, jest przeraźliwie klarowna. Mamy społeczną apatię oraz bezradność na skalę okresu klęsk, a nastroje z czasów przegranych powstań; równie pochylą w gospodarce ze stosownymi następstwami co do warunków życia oraz "bogactwa" materialnych środków działania; degenerację forum publicznego i wszelkiej polityki; załamanie się dynamiki kulturalnej, ratującej nas dotychczas w kryzysach... Wszystko jedno, czy nazwie... Болей »
After 15 years since the end of the Cold War, the Black Sea region stays as «terra incognita» forthe European politicians. The same referring to the Black Sea states afterthe collapse of the Soviet Union. These countries failed to develop sustainable mechanism of the political and economic cooperation. In the meantime the importance of the Black Sea as the main transport corridor between Central Asian oil and gas resources and Europe wi... Болей »
Малітоўнік «Бог з намі» ёсьць адным з першых налітоўнікаў для беларусаў-католікаў. Так склалася нашая гістарычная і культурная сітуацыя, што мова, на якой размаўлялі тутэйшыя католікі і ўдома і на полі, на якой сьпявалі свае песьні і якая была для іх роднай, спрадвечнай матчынай мовай, доўгі час была па-за законам. Рускія лічылі яе дыялектам сваёй расейскай мовы, а вышэйшае тутэйшае панства, адмовіўшыся ад яе на карысць суседняй польска... Болей »
Bielsk, położony nad rzeką Białą, należał do głównych ośrodków prawosławnych na Podlasiu. Według latopisów ruskich gród bielski został założony w 1038 roku przez księcia kijowskiego Jarosława Mądrego. Bielsk należy więc obok Drohiczyna, Mielnika, Grodna i Brześcia, do najstarszych miejscowości w tym regionie. Pierwsza pisana wzmianka o grodzie z 1253 roku pochodzi z latopisu wołyńskiego. Wówczas to przebywający w Bielsku Daniel Romanowi... Болей »
That is how in the beginning of the last century were called in Czech Republic and Slovakia people who called for fight against Austria-Hungary. I had some other variants but decided to choose this title for the book, it was the advice of Galina Vasilieuna Siuchik. Болей »
Our Mission. The Cuba Study Group is a non-profit, non-partisan organization, comprised of Cuban business and community leaders who share a common interest and vision of a free and democratic Cuba. The Group’s goal is to formulate effective, multilateral policy recommendations through thoughtful discussion and critical analysis of ideas that promote and facilitate a peaceful regime change in Cuba and lead to democracy, an open society, ... Болей »
The Centre for Studies on the Classical Tradition in Poland and East-Central Europe (Polish abbreviation: OBTA), an autonomous unit within Warsaw University, was established in 1992. Its first purpose was to encourage and coordinate studies on the role of Greek, Roman and Byzantine sources in the culture of East-Central Europe. The second aim was to promote and develop the idea of interdisciplinary education in the humanities, in the sp... Болей »
The World Movement for Democracy is a global network of democrats, including activists, practitioners, academics, policy makers, and funders, who have come together to cooperate in the promotion of democracy. The Washington, DC-based National Endowment for Democracy (NED) initiated this nongovernmental effort in February 1999 with a global Assembly in New Delhi, India, to strengthen democracy where it is weak, to reform and invigorate d... Болей »
To transform closed societies into open ones and to protect and expand the values of existing open societies is the common mission of the foundations created and supported by George Soros. These organizations seek to build free and open societies by supporting an array of activities dealing with the arts and culture; the strengthening of civil society; economic reform; education at all levels; human rights; legal reform and public admin... Болей »