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This study was completed in six months, between May and Octo-ber 1997. This would not have been possible without consider-able help from a large number of people, not all of which can be mentioned. We would like to thank, first of all, the people in the European Commission who were unfailingly open, responsive and constructively critical, especially but not only Michael Lake, Jer-emy Lester, Ernst Piehl, and John Penny. We would also li... Болей »
Dotychczas nie ukazała się w języku polskim książka poświęcona historii filozofii żydowskiej. W Polsce bowiem, która przez długie wieki, do wywołanej przez hitleryzm drugiej wojny światowej, była miejscem bujnego rozwoju życia żydowskiego, istniały wprawdzie znane na całym świecie i cieszące się wielkim uznaniem oraz szeroko promieniujące ośrodki żydowskie, i instytucje naukowe, świeckie i religijne, ale problematyka filozoficzna nie by... Болей »
U podstaw niniejszej "Fonetyki i fonologii języka białoruskiego z elementami fonetyki i fonologii ogólnej" leżało poczucie pilnej potrzeby połączenia rezultatów badań specjalistycznych nad fonetyką i fonologią języka białoruskiego z dostępną dla studentów formą wykładu uniwersyteckiego, umożliwiającą opanowanie przedmiotu na poziomie współczesnej nauki. Wydawane dotychczas w BSRR podręczniki danych tych bądź nie mogły jeszcze wykorzysty... Болей »
The gross, systematic, and widespread violations of political and civil rights in Belarus have been the subject of numerous reports prepared by both international and Belarusian observers. Meanwhile, President Lukashenko and government officials in general are using any forum they can to stress that Belarus is a model of social and economic rights by contrasting the robust guarantees its residents receive with the situation of resid... Болей »
Freedom in the World 2005 could not have been completed without the contributions of numerous Freedom House staff and consultants (please see the section titled “The Survey Team” at the end of the book for a detailed list of these contributors). Several other Freedom House staff members took time out of their schedules to read and provide valuable feedback on the country reports, including Mike Staresinic and Sanja Pesek of the Belgrade... Болей »
Freedom in the World is an institutional effort by Freedom House to monitor the progress and decline of political rights and civil liberties in 192 nations and 60 related and disputed territories. These year-end reviews of freedom began in 1955, when they were called the Balance Sheet of Freedom and, still later, the Annual Survey of the Progress of Freedom. This program was expanded in the early 1970s, and has appeared in a more develo... Болей »
Freedom in the World is an institutional effort by Freedom House to monitor the progress and decline of political rights and civil liberties in 192 nations and 18 related and disputed territories. These year-end reviews of freedom began in 1955, when they were called the Balance Sheet of Freedom and, later, the Annual Survey of the Progress of Freedom. This program was expanded in the early 1970s, and has appeared in a more developed co... Болей »
Freedom in the World is an institutional effort by Freedom House to monitor the progress and decline of political rights and civil liberties in 192 nations and 17 related and disputed territories. These year-end reviews of freedom began in 1955, when they were called the Balance Sheet of Freedom and, still later, the Annual Survey of the Progress of Freedom. This program was expanded in the early 1970s, and has appeared in a more develo... Болей »
This report is based on a mission to Turkey 1-9 May 1998 by the Church of Norway Council on Ecumenical and International Relations and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee. Although the report is based on information and viewpoints from the persons who shared their time and knowledge with us during our visit to Turkey, the facts and viewpoints presented here are the sole responsibility of the Church of Norway Council on Ecumenical and Inter... Болей »
Freedom of the Press 2003 could not have been completed without the contributions of numerous Freedom House staff and consultants. Freedom House would like to thank the Freedom Forum, the World Press Freedom Committee, and Bette Bao Lord for their generous contributions towards our ongoing work to promote freedom of expression. Additional support for this year’s survey was provided by The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Lilly En... Болей »