Orozbakov Sagymbai, Manas


The Kyrgyz heroic epos in four parts. Part I-II

Orozbakov Sagymbai

The Manas Epos is hailed as the classic centerpiece of Kyrgyz literature, the encyclopaedia of Kyrgyz culture, the touchstone of the Kyrgyz spirit. It is the longest epic poem in the world with close to half a million lines. There are more than 65 written versions of parts of the Manas Epos and 33 of just the first section of the trilogy. The oral origins of the epic extend back to the mists of time when, according to the analysis of Ch... Болей »

Marketing Mix Revisited

Marketing Mix Revisited

Winning with the Four Ps

This report is published as part of the R.E.A.D.Y. for the Year 2000 project, generously sponsored by Cepiprint, the association representing the newsprint and magazine papers industry sector within the Confederation of European Paper Industries, and by Publicitas, the Swiss-based international advertising and promotion group. Болей »

Mastering Decentralization and Public Administration Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe

Mastering Decentralization and Public Adminis...

In the 1990s, all countries in Central and Eastern Europe encountered the challenge to deconstruct their previous party state structures and rebuild new democratic ones. This challenge emerged in a particular historical period when a general discontentwith the late modern welfare state became apparent. Throughout the developed world it got translated to ideals of a “lean and mean” governance creating a better balance between efficiency ... Болей »

Media Expert, 4 (8) 2004

Media Expert

media and law biulletin

4 (8) 2004

Mass media are frequently used as an instrument of political struggle, including to discredit the opponent. This instrument is quite effective, but it is not always pure. To ensure its purity another special "toolkit" can be used: protection of violated rights in a free and fair court. However, if all the instruments are concentrated in one hands, the struggle appears too unequal. On 15 August 2003, the Obozrevatel' weekly published an ... Болей »

Media Expert, 2003

Media Expert

media and law biulletin


Over 17 years ago, Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev announced perestroika and glasnost, which were perceived differently in different parts of the former Soviet Union. That was a time when new newspapers, radio stations and television companies began to emerge in the capitals and big cities of the Soviet republics. The situation changed after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The newly independent states were headed up by form... Болей »

Lange Yasha, Media in the CIS

Media in the CIS

A study of the political, legislative and socio-economic framework

Lange Yasha

The Phare and Tacis Democracy Programme was launched by the European Commission in 1992 to help promote democratic societies in the countries of central and eastern Europe, and the New Independent States and Mongolia. It covers the following countries: Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia (countries eligible for Phare) and Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belar... Болей »

Medium-Term Strategy for Official Development Assistance: 2003 - 2008

Medium-Term Strategy for Official Development...

The Slovak Republic is a member of the donor community. From the moral point of view this is a result of the country’s three-year membership in the OECD - the club of the 30 wealthiest countries of the world and its clear heading towards the Euro-Atlantic structures. In fact, Slovakia is a donor also due to the reason that it provides assistance to developing countries totalling SKK 300 - 400 million annually. However, the country has d... Болей »

Gebhardt Bettina, Gierko Kamila, Knochenmuft Karolina, Musiał-Karg Magdalena, Słodownik Marzena, Mentoring dla kobiet

Mentoring dla kobiet

Szeroka droga do kariery

Gebhardt Bettina, Gierko Kamila, Knochenmuft Karolina, Musiał-Karg Magdalena, Słodownik Marzena

Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu „Mentoring dla kobiet - projekt dla województwa lubuskiego” realizowanego przy wsparciu udzielonym w ramach Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego oraz ze środków Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej w ramach Programu Partnerstwa Transgranicznego, którego operatorem jest Stowarzyszenie Wschodnioeuropejskie Centrum Demokratyczne z siedzibą w Warszawie. Болей »

Mickey Mouse, 3/1993

Mickey Mouse

на беларускай мове

Дональд працуе ў сваім газетным кіёску. Адна дэталь малюнка на вокладках часопісаў паўтараецца 5 разоў! Якая??? Болей »

Chlebowczyk Józef, Między dyktatem, realiami a prawem do samostanowienia

Między dyktatem, realiami a prawem do samosta...

Prawo do samookreślenia i problem granic we wschodniej Europie Środkowej w pierwszej wojnie światowej oraz po jej zakończeniu

Chlebowczyk Józef

Spośród skreślonych we wstępnych rozważaniach tomu poprzedniego (J. Chlebowczyk, O prawie do bytu małych i młodych narodów. Kwestia narodowa i procesy narodotwórcze we wschodniej Europie Środkowej w dobie kapitalizmu (od schyłku XVIII do początków XX w.), Warszawa-Kraków 1983) uwag teoretycznych i metodologicznych, którymi autor usiłował kierować się w trakcie pisania pracy, najistotniejszą w odniesieniu do tego tomu wydaje się konieczn... Болей »

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