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The fight for civic rights, for the respect of law, for a democratic government and for the precedence of public interest over that of the executive has a long and edifying history marked by victories and defeats, as well as more or less functional compromises. This book offers an insight into just such an ongoing struggle in Belarus. To those involved in the conflict only the current moment tends to really matter. Activists tend to mea... Болей »
This report is the second of a series of papers which are planned to present the viewpoints of the Polish non-governmental community regarding important European Integration-related international issues. The project was initiated by the Stefan Batory Foundation and we are inviting various NGOs to work alongside us in the preparation of subsequent reports. The text presented herein was prepared jointly with the Institute of Public Affair... Болей »
The book contains the best articles of Anatol Maisenya -journalist and politologist. The articles are selected in a chronological order. This book is two portraits: a portrait of time and a portrait of man, the author of articles. Болей »
Прэзыдэнцкія выбары выклікалі вялікае напружаньне і ўзрушэньне ў беларускіх масах. Цягам летніх месяцаў наконт іх вынікаў выказваліся самыя незвычайныя прагнозы. У дзеяньне былі прыведзеныя агромністыя людзкія і матэрыяльныя рэсурсы. У нейкі момант здалося, што 9 верасьня мы станем сьведкамі сьмяротнай сутычкі дзьвюх найважнейшых у краіне сілаў — сыстэмы ўлады і сыстэмы апазыцыі. Значэньне гэтай даты дружна падкрэсьлілі абодва палітычны... Болей »
В сборник вошли отчеты журналистов и правозащитников о поездках в восемь субъектов Российской Федерации - Калмыкию, Удмуртию, Башкирию, Чувашию, Дагестан, на Алтай, в Северную Осетию и Ингушетию. Материалы сборника посвящены анализу положения СМИ и ситуации со свободой слова в этих регионах. На русском языке книга увидела свет в 1998 году в издательстве “Права человека” под названием “Зоны бесконфликтности (положение со свободой слова в... Болей »
This brochure is a revision of an essay which was first published in: I. Baud et. al. (eds.), Realigning Government, Civil Society and the Market: New Challenges in Urban and Regional Development. Essays in Honour of G.A. de Bruijne. (Amsterdam: agios, University of Amsterdam, 2001) on the occasion of the retirement of G.A. de Bruijne, Professor of Social Geography at the Univerisity of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. Болей »
The Third International Congress "The World After Chernobyl" is organized by the Belarusian Charitable Fund "For The Children Of Chernobyl" in collaboration with the Federal Association of Chernobyl Initiatives (Germany), the International Educational Centre (Dortmund - Minsk) and thanks to the support of state and non-governmental organizations in the Republic of Belarus, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Europe, Asia and North... Болей »
Naša sieryja „To kazaū..." stala vielmi znanaja. My z vialikaje radašciu vydajem ješče adnu knižku - "To kazaū Budda". My spadziajomsia, što vybar vyskazaū Hospada Buddy prychilna pryjmuč usie šukačy vyšniaha, duchnaha žyčcia. U haloūnym tyja wyskazy dabranyja iz „Ochammapady” dy "Evanhielle Buddy". Болей »
Peoples of the Baltic is a series of richly illustrated booklets introducing the region surrounding the Baltic Sea. It is a study of its peoples, cultures and history and deals with questions of democracy, minority rights and security. The booklets constitute the main reading for a university course offered via satellite-TV by the Baltic University Programme. The series of programs, complemented by the booklets, conveys a general unders... Болей »
What is this book about? This book is designed for christian-democratic trainers all over the world. You want to develop a course or offer one? There are many things to consider! For whom is the course meant? What should students learn? How do you present that information in an engaging way? This handbook treats these questions! This Trainers Handbook is published by the Foundation for International Solidarity ’Eduardo Frei’ of the Dutc... Болей »