Non-governmental organizations supporting independence of Belarus, democratic values, human rights and integration of our country with Europe, held their Second Congress in Miensk on November the 14th, 1998. These organizations-participants operate in various fields, from protection of human rights to ecological and social issues. In February 1997 two hundred and fifty organizations got united into the Assembly of democratic NGOs to com... Болей »
The Republic of Buryatia (Russian: Респу́блика Буря́тия, tr. Respublika Buryatiya, IPA: [rʲɪsˈpublʲɪkə bʊˈrʲætʲɪjə]; Buryat: Буряад Улас, romanized: Buryaad Ulas, pronounced [bʊˈrʲɑːt ʊˈlɑs], Mongolian: Буриад Улс, romanized: Buriad Uls) is a federal subject of Russia (a republic), located in Siberia in Asia. Formerly part of the Siberian Federal District, it has been a part of the Russian Far East since 2018.[11] Its capital is the cit... Болей »
"Сьпявайце, арганы", — так у перакладзе з лаціны гучыць фраза, вынесная ў загаловак кнігі. Гэта першы радок антыфоны ў гонар сьв. Цэцыліі, апякункі касьцёяьнай музыкі і музыкаў. У кнізе на аснове багатага гістарычна-музычнага матэрыялу паказаны этапы зьяўленьня і звалюцыі арганаў у нашай краіне. Прааналізаваны арганабудаўніцтва, кампазытарская творчасьць, што дазволіла знайсьці якасна новы комплексны прынцып асьвятленьня арганнай тэматы... Болей »
Зборнік складаецца з артыкулаў, прысвечаных гісторыі, археалогіі і культуры Цэнтральнай і Ўсходняй Еўропы ў сярэднявечны перыяд і новыя часы. Пераважная большасць матэрыялаў датычыцца разнастайных праблем мінулага Беларусі. Зборнік рэкамендуецца спецыялістам - гісторыкам, археолагам, мастацтвазнаўцам, а таксама шырокаму колу чытачоў - студэнтам, настаўнікам, краязнаўцам. Болей »
The volume focuses on the roles played by Turkey and the countries and unrecognized entities of the South Caucasus in regional integration and the management of the region's ethnopolitical conflicts. The volume is composed of analytical papers based on presentations made at a conference in Istanbul on August 1-4,2008, organized by Cl. The contributors are scholars from Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh and... Болей »
The idea of general civic education is inseparably connected to the idea of democracy. Already in ancient Athens, it was assumed that every citizen should actively and fully participate in the governance of the country. Thomas Jefferson’s statement above points directly to the need to introduce various forms of civic education. The introduction of general civic education is often also connected to the aim of authorities to introduce a n... Болей »
17 November 2001 was a historic date for the citizens of Kosova. For the first time, they participated in free parliamentary elections, choosing from among 18 political parties, three coalitions, one civic initiative, and three independent candidates running for 100 of 120 seats in the Kosova Assembly. Twenty seats were reserved for minority parties as “set-asides”. Kosova Action for Civic Initiatives (KACI), building on its previous wo... Болей »
What is the "Newsletter”? The Newsletter is a quarterly compendium of information about activities conducted in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union by Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that work in an area generally called "civic education." What is civic education? This term has several meanings, but we use it in its widest sense: all activities that allow people to become citizens, and all citizens to become bet... Болей »
Cerkwie stanowią od wieków nieodłączny element krajobrazu południowo-wschodniej Polski. Ich niepowtarzalna architektura, tworzona na na styku Wschodu i Zachodu, należy do najciekawszych zjawisk w europejskiej kulturze. Specyficzną cechą Kościoła Wschodniego było dążenie do wybudowania świątyni niemal w każdej wsi. Dzięki temu powstały setki niewielkich cerkwi, zwykle drewnianych, wznoszonych rękami miejscowych majstrów. Każda z tych świ... Болей »
is monograph presents recent social scientific research on the problems of ethnic and national identity in Estonia as conducted by scholars and researchers from the Estonian Academy of Sciences and Tartu University. This collection is a joint publication of the scientific project "Estonia: A New Paradigm Between the Estonian Majority and Russian Minority (funded by the Central European University in Prague in 1993) and the projects fund... Болей »