Building a common, multilateral Cuba policy

Building a common, multilateral Cuba policy

A white paper prepared by the Cuba Study Group

Выдавец: Cuba Study Group

Памеры: 12 s.

Катэгорыя: Палітыка

Кнігазбор: EEDC — бібліятэка Усходнеэўрапейскага дэмакратычнага цэнтру, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (папяровы асобнік)

Інвэнтарныя нумары: EEDC — [2873]

Сыгнатура: XV.3

Our Mission. The Cuba Study Group is a non-profit, non-partisan organization, comprised of Cuban business and community leaders who share a common interest and vision of a free and democratic Cuba. The Group’s goal is to formulate effective, multilateral policy recommendations through thoughtful discussion and critical analysis of ideas that promote and facilitate a peaceful regime change in Cuba and lead to democracy, an open society, a market-based system, respect for human rights and the reunification of the Cuban nation.

Каталёг: EEDC

Толькі ў бібліятэцы Усходнеэўрапейскага дэмакратычнага цэнтру (папяровы асобнік)