Dax Paul, Fucskó József, Krajner Péter, Ungvári Gábor, Diskussion Papers, 19

Diskussion Papers

Public Grants & Private Investment in Solid Waste Management - Alföld, Hungary


The development of democratic and effective government at subnational levels remains one of the central tasks of transition in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The sharing of expertise between countries can contribute significantly to the reform process in the region. Pursuing this goal, the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI) has launched a series of discussion papers, which will be distri... Болей »

Sundakov Alex, Diskussion Papers, 18

Diskussion Papers

Public Sector Reforms in Ukraine: on the Path of Transformation


The development of democratic and effective government at subnational levels remains one of the central tasks of transition in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The sharing of expertise between countries can contribute significantly to the reform process in the region. Pursuing this goal, the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI) has launched a series of discussion papers, which will be distri... Болей »