Miejsce wydania: Vilnius
Data wydania: 2009
Wydawca: Leidinys išleistas Kultūros paveldo departamento prie Kultūros ministerijos lėšomis
Wymiary: 296 s., il., 23 cm
ISBN: 978-955-083-2-8
Kategoria: Historia; Kultura; Społeczeństwo; Turystyka
Księgozbiór: BTH — biblioteka Białoruskiego Towarzystwa Historycznego, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (egzemplarz papierowy)
Numery inwentarzowe: BTH — [2093]
UKD: 947.45.02/.04
Every Lithuanian takes pride in the times of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, i It was the time when Lithuania was one of the largest and most influential states in Europe. It stopped the , incursions of the Golden Horde, and later of the Turks, deep into Europe. It is the only Baltic State which has survived from the Middle Ages until j now. It has preserved Baltic culture, and fostered its cultural legacy. , Lithuania's history is marked both , by great victories and great territorial and human losses. The country's name disappeared from the map of the world after the Third Partition of the Commonwealth of the Two Nations in 1795.
Katalog: BTH