Данілаў Іван

Сёньня Дзень народзінаў адзначае Іван Данілаў.

Беларуская Інтэрнэт-Бібліятэка Kamunikat.org зычыць здароўя – перадусім; добрага настрою – не толькі ў гэты дзень; цёплага сонейка ў кожную пару году, дабрыні і разуменьня блізкіх, творчых палётаў і зьдзяйсьненьня мараў.

Геніюш Ларыса, Геніюш Юрка, Маці і сын

Маці і сын

Геніюш Ларыса, Геніюш Юрка

Publication Place: Беласток

Publication Date: 1992

Editor: Чыквін Ян

Publisher: Беларускае літаратурнае аб'яднанне Белавежа

Book Series: Бібліятэчка Беларускага літаратурнага аб'яднання Белавежа

Sizes: 98 s., 16 cm

Category: Belles-Lettres

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); MiOKB — the library of the Belarusian Culture Community and Museum, ul. 3 Maja 42, Hajnówka (hardcopy); private library in Bialystok (hardcopy)

Copy Numbers: MiOKB — [1962], [3089]

UDC: 882.6-1=826

Supplementary Data: Publikacja sponsorowana przez Ministerstwo Kultury i Sztuki

Mother and Son by Heniush Larysa, Heniush Yurka The book features works by representatives of two generations. Heniush is a big name in Belarus. Larysa Heniush is a Belarusian poetry icon. Her son Yurka is a Bialystok-based doctor and writer. Mother and Son comprises works of different styles and genres that may be seen as two separate books. Under the same cover is Larysa Heniush’s poetry collection entitled The Heart and Yurka Heniush’s collection of short stories Towards the Light. The volume helps better understand both of them. While reading Yurka Heniush’s stories one compares them with the poetry and images created by Larysa Heniush. When you read his mother’s poems, you wonder how her son’s outlook and perception could influence her works. They say that mothers are bound with their children by the navel string until they die, especially mothers who have just one child. One can feel this connection while reading Mother and Son. (N.H.)

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