Annual Report 2001

Annual Report 2001

Alfred Mozer Stichting

Without any doubt 2001 was the most active year in the history of the Alfred Mozer Foundation. The fact that the annual budget had been enlarged, made it possible to have many extra projects in 2001 and also to realise our long-felt wish to publish a manual for our trainers and to make it available for our partners in Central and Eastern Europe. In our activities we continued our policy to concentrate activities on the countries in Sout... More »

Annual Report 2002

Annual Report 2002

Co-operating Netherlands Foundations for Central and Eastern Europe

A historic decision was taken for Central and Eastern Europe at the end of 2002. In 2004, eight former communist countries will be allowed to join the European Union. This enlargement will not be easy for the entrants nor for the current EU Member States. Politics and the media are engrossed in the far-reaching consequences for agriculture, trade and industry. However, interest in social developments in the former Eastern bloc trails a ... More »

Annual Report 2004

Annual Report 2004

Strengthening Transaltantic Cooperation

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is an American public policy and grantmaking institution dedicated to promoting greater cooperation and understanding between the United States and Europe. GMF does this by supporting individuals and institutions working on transatlantic issues, by convening leaders to discuss the most pressing transatlantic themes, and by examining ways in which transatlantic cooperation can address a... More »

Annus Albaruthenicus, 09

Annus Albaruthenicus

Год Беларускі


* Rezensionen * Skizze * Fleming Michael, The Political Economy of Marginalisation: The Belarusian minority in Podlaskie * Karnyaljuk Vitaly, Study of local lore and the person: a role of study of local lore and the regional specialist in formation new generation citizens of Belarus * Kozіowski Artur Roland, Belarus in the context of stages of transformations occurring in European states * Orłow Włodzimierz, Odg... More »

Annus Albaruthenicus, 07

Annus Albaruthenicus

Год Беларускі


* Rezensionen * Varia * Ackerman Felix, Ein sowjetisches Mitteleuropa * Czykwin Jan, The dice has been cast (Belarusian literature in Poland since mid twentieth century) * Drweski Bruno, Une petite fenкtre sur la Biйlorussie * Fischer Ulrike, Die iweiЯrussische Familie Paplawski im polnischen Zaluki * Fleming Michael, Nation and State in the immediate aftermath of war: The experience of the Belarussian mino... More »

Annus Albaruthenicus, 06

Annus Albaruthenicus

Год Беларускі


* Ірляндская паэзія, (пераклады Алены Таболіч) * Калевала * Томас Транстромэр і інш., (са шведскай паэзіі) * Andras Zoltan, Az ófehйrorosz Trisztan es Izolda-legenda dйl-eurуpai цsszefьggйse * Baradulin Ryhor, Kiedy witają się dusze * Barscheuskaya Nina, The way belarusian emigration treats ethnographic of Belarus * Burlyka Ivan, Contemporary change in Belarus: view from Sweden * Burlyka Ivan, Do moder... More »

Annus Albaruthenicus, 05

Annus Albaruthenicus

Год Беларускі


* BOOKSHELF (Кніжная паліца) * Barshcheuskaya Nina (Ніна Баршчэўская), The Role of the Belarusian Diaspora in Preservation and Development of the Belarusian Diaspora Language (based on the Belarusian press published in Germany) * Białokozowicz Bazyli, Jan Baudouin de Courtenay and his attitude towards Belarus and Belarusians * Burlyka Ivan, Do Belarusians speak Belarusian in the street? * Fleming Michael, Reckoning w... More »

Annus Albaruthenicus, 04

Annus Albaruthenicus

Год Беларускі


* (Weißrussisch-südslawische wechselbeziehungen: 11.-16. jahrhundert) * Agatowski Tomasz, Culture, Globalization, Identity * Bołdak-Janowska Tamara, Dreams, etc. * Czykwin Elżbieta, An Identity of the Orthodox-Belarusian minority in relation to the Polish-Catholic majority in Poland * Fleming Michael, Fixing the political landscape? (The Belarusian minority in Poland after the 2001 parliamentary election) * Hady... More »

Antologia wolnej literatury rosyjskiej

Antologia wolnej literatury rosyjskiej

Zamieszczone w "Antologii" teksty, częściowo zaczerpnięte z dotychczasowych publikacji, a częściowo specjalnie na tę okazję przetłumaczone - są, oczywiście, poddane arbitralności indywidualnego wyboru, który nie może zadowolić wszystkich. Zostały one ułożone w alfabetycznym porządku nazwisk autorów i poprzedzone notami. Ze zrozumiałych względów oficjalny dorobek literacki prezentowanych pisarzy (o ile istniał) został potraktowany margin... More »

Arbitrary Preventive Detention of Activists in Belarus

Arbitrary Preventive Detention of Activists i...

FIDH and the Human Rights Center Viasna, its member organisation in Belarus, conducted an international investigation mission in Belarus in June 2014. The mission focused on numerous cases of groundless and illegal (i.e. not connected to any violation of the law) detention and subsequent arrest of citizens solely on the basis of their membership in opposition groups or other groups and movements critical of the Belarusian government. M... More »

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