27 красавіка а 19-й гадзіне ў Бруселі адбудзецца інфармацыйны вечар, прысвечаны гадавіне Чарнобыльскай катастрофы. Арганізатары імпрэзы – “Офіс за дэмакратычную Беларусь” (Брусель) і Hanse-Office (Аб’яднанае прадстаўніцтва Гамбурга і федэральнай зямлі Шлезвіг-Гольштайн у Еўразвязе). Вечар распачнецца з гутаркі, пад час якой будуць абмеркаваныя Чарнобыльскія праблемы, у тым ліку іх палітычны кантэкст у сучаснай Беларусі. У прыватнасці, п... Więcej »
У Бруселі пачаліся імпрэзы, прысвечаныя гадавіне сакавіцкіх падзеяў у цэнтры Менску. У рамках мерапрыемстваў – выстава менскіх фатографаў, якія здымалі леташнія падзеі на Кастрычніцкай плошчы ў Менску, прагляд фільму рэжысёра Юрыя Хашчавацкага “Плошча”. Учора ўвечары ў кавярні Grand Prix Bar адбыўся паказ спектакляў “Свабоднага тэатру” пад кіраўніцтвам Мікалая Халезіна. Grand Prix Bar, што ў цэнтры бельгійскай сталіцы, мае рэпутацыю доб... Więcej »
Навіны ПАРЕ: Новым докладчиком ПАСЕ по Беларуси стал итальянский депутат Андреа Ригони: В среду, 14 февраля, Политический комитет Парламентской Ассамблеи Совета Европы (ПАСЕ) назначил докладчиком по ситуации в Беларуси итальянского депутата Андреа Ригони. Ранее докладчиком по Беларуси был член эстонского парламента Андрес Херкель. Председатель комитета Госдумы РФ по международным делам Константин Косачев отметил, что на заседании полити... Więcej »
Milinkevich's Movement for Freedom to Launch Information Campaign about Assistance that Could be Available under European Union's Neighbourhood Policy: The Movement for Freedom led by former presidential candidate Alyaksandr Milinkevich on June 30 launched a campaign to inform the public about the assistance that Belarus may get under the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). According to Mr. Milinkevich's press office, the Movement's ac... Więcej »
Bush Extends U.S. Property Blocking Order against Belarus' President & Other Officials: President George W. Bush extended a national emergency declaration Thursday involving Belarus that enables the U.S. government to freeze any property in the United States owned by Belarus' president and selected other officials. Bush's declaration of last June mentioned the undermining of the former Soviet republic's "democratic processes or institut... Więcej »
Belarusian Christian Democrats and Greens Visiting Brussels: On the invitation of the Office for a Democratic Belarus and the Slovak foundation Pontis, delegation of young Belarusian pro-democracy activists visited Brussels on June 12-14. Among participants were two co-chairmen of the Belarusian Christian-Democracy, Aliaksei Shein and Vital Rymasheuski, as well as chairman of the Belarusian Party of Greens Aleh Novikau. The program of t... Więcej »
Belarus, one of the world's most repressive states, was blocked Thursday from gaining membership on the United Nations Human Rights Council after being outvoted in favor of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a late entry. Human rights groups had been campaigning for weeks to head off the once seemingly assured choice of Belarus after the Eastern European group submitted only Belarus and Slovenia as candidates for the two seats from its region. Wes... Więcej »
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko made his first official visit to Azerbaijan on Wednesday, bringing together the leaders of two countries seeking to lessen their energy dependence on Russia. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliev said his country is seeking to diversify ways to bring its Caspian Sea oil to Western markets and supports a plan to pump oil across Ukraine and into Poland via the Odessa-Brody pipeline, a route that would... Więcej »
On April 27, the Office for a Democratic Belarus in Brussels, in cooperation with Hanse-Office (Germany), organized an information evening dedicated to the 21st anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. Organizers of the event presented a report on the consequences of the nuclear catastrophe and the current policy of the Belarusian government towards the liquidators and the population of the contaminated areas. You can find a full version ... Więcej »
Dear friends and colleagues, The Office for a Democratic Belarus and the Hanse-Office in Brussels would like to invite you to the Chernobyl information evening and documentary film screening to take place on Friday, 27th of April, at 19.00. Hanse-Office - Joint Representation of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the State of Schleswig-Holstein to the EU - Avenue Palmerston 20 B-1000 Brussels. Even today, 21 years after the expl... Więcej »