Масквін Андрэй

Сёньня Дзень народзінаў адзначае Андрэй Масквін.

Беларуская Інтэрнэт-Бібліятэка Kamunikat.org зычыць здароўя – перадусім; добрага настрою – не толькі ў гэты дзень; цёплага сонейка ў кожную пару году, дабрыні і разуменьня блізкіх, творчых палётаў і зьдзяйсьненьня мараў.

Ёрш Сяргей, Усевалад Родзька

Усевалад Родзька

Правадыр беларускіх нацыяналістаў

Ёрш Сяргей

Publication Place: Менск

Publication Date: 2001

Publisher: Голас Краю

Category: History; Biographies; Memoirs

Copyright © 2001 by Сяргей Ёрш

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); private library in Bialystok (hardcopy)

Usevalad Rodzka a Guide of Belarusian Nationalists by Yorsh Syarhey A researcher of anti-Soviet resistance, Syarhey Yorsh has come up with a new book about Usevalad Rodzka, leader of the Belarusian Independence Party, a Belaruskaya Krayovaya Abarona (Belarusian Home Guard) major, a patriot and fighter for his Fatherland's independence. Rodzka's dual life – as a Nazi collaborator and leader of an underground anti-Soviet, anti-Nazi group – helped him to use his official status to promote the idea of independence. The methods Rodzka used were as diverse as inviting Belarusian National Republic President Mikola Abramchyk to take charge of the Belarusian resistance movement and advocating an anti-fascist uprising. Despite his young age, Rodzka managed to form and took command of an anti-Soviet battalion of the Belarusian Military Organization in Eastern Prussia, but unfortunately it was never airlifted to Belarus' territory. The Soviet authorities put Usevalad Rodzka on the most wanted list for his anti-Soviet activities.

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Worth reading:

Ёрш Сяргей, Дэсант у няпэўнасць

Дэсант у няпэўнасць

Беларускі парашутны батальён "Дальвіц" 1944-1945 гг.

Ёрш Сяргей

Апошняя вайна, якая самым непасрэдным чынам закранула Беларусь, дагэтуль крывавіць. Нягледзячы на тое, што пасля яе заканчэння ўжо прайшлі больш за 60 гадоў. Не ўсе раны загоеныя, не ўся праўда сказаная. Няма адзінай ацэнкі тых жахлівых падзеяў на нашай зямлі: для кагосьці вайна Вялікая Айчынная, для кагосьці Другая сусветная, іншыя кажуць пра малую грамадзянскую, якая разгарнулася на фоне супрацьстаяння дзвюх імперый — бальшавіцкага СС... More »

Ёрш Сяргей, Саюз Вызваленьня Беларусі

Саюз Вызваленьня Беларусі

1946—1947 гг.

Ёрш Сяргей

The Belarus Liberation Union by Syarhey Yorsh Unlike in neighboring countries, anti-Soviet resistance was an untapped subject in the Belarusian historiography. The Belarus Liberation Union was a group formed of young patriots ready to sacrifice themselves for independence of Belarus. For quite a long time, nobody knew about the organization, except for its members who went through Stalin's labor camps. Information about the group has b... More »

Ёрш Сяргей, Рыцар Свабоды

Рыцар Свабоды

Ксёндз Вінцэнт Гадлеўскі як ідэоляг і арганізатар беларускага нацыянальнага антынацыскага Супраціву Спэцвыпуск часопіса “Беларускі Рэзыстанс“

Ёрш Сяргей

The Freedom Knight by Syarhey Yorsh Syarhey Yorsh, a prominent researcher of Belarusian resistance movements, recounts the story of Pastor Vintsent Hadleuski, a major fighter for freedom and independence of Belarus who left a trace in every epoch of the nation's history in the early 20th century. He welcomed the proclamation of the Belarusian National Republic, advocated the revival of Belarusian-language instruction and religious serv... More »

Ёрш Сяргей, Генэрал вызвольнага фронту

Генэрал вызвольнага фронту

Ёрш Сяргей

Liberation Front General General Zmitser Kasmovich, a selfless patriot and fighter for the country's independence, is yet another subject of historian Syarhey Yorsh, who specializes in anti-Soviet resistance in Belarus. The book describes the rise of General Kasmovich as a true Belarusian patriot. The general received excellent education and worked consistently toward independence of Belarus. A member of the Belarusian Independence ... More »

Ёрш Сяргей, Вяртаньне БНП

Вяртаньне БНП

Асобы і дакумэнты Беларускай Незалежніцкай Партыі

Ёрш Сяргей

BNP's Comeback Historians working on subjects that were banned in the Soviet Union have had great difficulty accessing original documents still kept in secret archives. A few documents were published in Soviet periodicals but they were interpreted in a biased way and used for propaganda. Anti-Soviet resistance in Belarus also was a banned topic in the Soviet Union. The Belarusian Independence Party (BNP) was one of the pages tightly ... More »