Publication Place: Warszawa
Publication Date: 2005-06
Publisher: Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich
Book Series: Punkt Widzenia
Sizes: 48 s.
Category: Politics
Copyright © 2005 by Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich
Book Collection: EEDC — the library of the East European Democratic Centre, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)
Copy Numbers: EEDC — [935]
Polity Briefs - short analytical papers, presenting opinions of the CES experts on current events and processes which are important for Poland, taking place in Central and Eastern Europe, in Russia, in the Balkans, in the Caucasus and in Central Asia. The series aspires to indicate the key features of problems discussed in public debates and to help in working out political solutions.
Belarusian publishers: Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich
Catalog: EEDC
From a historical perspective, the last two decades can almost be regarded as a 'golden age7 of Polish--Russian relations. This is the first time in several centuries that a sovereign Poland and Russia have been able to develop mutual relations without resorting to force; moreover, they have established a bilateral legal basis and put into practice its provisions on "the inviolability of borders, territorial integrity, non-interference ... More »
Polity Briefs - short analytical papers, presenting opinions of the CES experts on current events and processes which are important for Poland, taking place in Central and Eastern Europe, in Russia, in the Balkans, in the Caucasus and in Central Asia. The series aspires to indicate the key features of problems discussed in public debates and to help in working out political solutions. More »
W związku z integracją z Unią Europejską Polska i Litwa zamierzają wprowadzić do 1 lipca 2003 r. całkowity obowiązek wizowy wobec Rosjan. Obecnie Rosjanie wjeżdżający do Polski mogą zamiast wizy przedstawić na granicy voucher, zaproszenie lub uprawniającą do podróży służbowej pieczątkę AB. Litwa utrzymuje zaś cały czas ulgi wizowe dla mieszkańców Kaliningradu oraz Rosjan podróżujących z i do enklawy. Decyzje te napotykają sprzeciw stron... More »