Publication Place: Нью Ёрк – Менск – Варшава
Publication Date: 2005
Editor: Гарбінскі Юрась
Translator: Гарбінская Аляксандра, Шавыркіна Міраслава
Publisher: Беларускі Інстытут Навукі й Мастацтва
Book Series: Гісторыя беларускага рэлігійнага жыцьця
Category: History; Translations; Religion; Society; Biographies
Copyright © 2005 by Belarusian Institute of Arts and Sciences in New York
Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version)
Supplementary Data: Успаміны арх. Апанаса выдадзены зь ініцыятывы й коштам спадарства Лізы Літаровіч, Надзі і Яна Запруднікаў (Нью Джэрзі, ЗША); Падрыхтоўка тэксту да друку й камэнтары Ларыса Задзяркоўская; Карэктура Алесь Суша; Кампутарная вёрстка Іна Кузьмянкова Выданьне публікуецца тут за ласкавай згодай Беларускага Інстытуту Навукі й Мастацтва
In the Field of Christ: The 50th Anniversary of Priesthood 1928-1978 Recollections Martas Anton Archbishop Apanas (Anton Martas, born 1928 in the Navahrudak district – died in 1983 in Buenos Aeries) was a senior priest with the Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. His biography is closely linked to Belarusian history and intertwined with developments and people. In the book, the archbishop describes his lot: "I was fated to go through important religious and political international events that considerably complicated my service to the Church. Born and baptized in the bosom of the Tsar-era-like Russian Orthodox Church, I matured spiritually in the in the mother's arms of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church in Poland, where I took the monastic vow and had the honor to be ordained. I was ordained to bishop during the tough war years in my Belarus, where the Belarusian Orthodox Church was established as a church independent on Moscow, Warsaw and Berlin. It was in my Motherland, but during my 35 years in emigration God blessed me to serve as archbishop under the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. The above-mentioned churches were lightships that lit my way through the raging sea of life."
Belarusian publishers: Беларускі Інстытут Навукі і Мастацтва