Publication Place: Менск
Publication Date: 2001
Editor: Дубянецкі Станіслаў
Publisher: Грамадскае аб'яднанне "Міжнародная асацыяцыя беларусістаў", Нацыянальны Навукова-асветніцкі цэнтр імя Ф. Скарыны
Book Series: Беларусіка-Albaruthenica; Кніга 22
Publishing/ Printing House: Беларускі Кнігазбор
ISBN: 985-6638-36-4
Category: Ethnography; History; Culture; Politics; Human Rights; Society
Copyright © 2001 by Калектыў аўтараў
Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); MiOKB — the library of the Belarusian Culture Community and Museum, ul. 3 Maja 42, Hajnówka (hardcopy); BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)
Copy Numbers: MiOKB — [8538], [10125]
National Matters Material of the 3rd International Congress of Belarusists "Belarusian Culture in a Dialogue Among Civilizations" The collection features reports dealing with the formation and development of a sense of national identity presented at the 3rd International Congress of Belarusists that focused on ethnogenesis, distinctions, mentality, statehood and international relations. It includes a section on national communities in Belarus. The study of the nation's cultural heritage is essential for enhancing national identity. Culture is not something static or limited to its internal potential. A nation's culture is a synthesis of best achievements of all national cultures. Spiritual basics of national identity include a nation's cultural heritage as a source of its further development, as well as spiritual values of other nations. Cultural exchange among nations is a factor of national culture development. Do not only globalization processes spur development, but they also represent a serious threat. Nations and their formation process play an increasing role. Moreover, there is no alternative to nation building. Placed in a modern context, the idea of Belarus' independence can unite the pro-democracy elite and appeal to a majority of the population. It can help iron out differences between advocates of liberal and socio-democratic reform, among Belarusian and Russian language speakers and various cultures and religious denominations. Legal independence of a nation does not conflict with
Catalog: | MiOKB | BTH
Дубянецкі Эдуард, Уплыў заходняй і ўсходняй цывілізацый на беларускую культуру