Петрашкевіч Алесь, Крыніцы і каламуць

Крыніцы і каламуць

успамінальны аповед

Петрашкевіч Алесь

Publication Place: Мінск

Publication Date: 2008

Editor: Наталіч Н.

Publisher: Мэдысонт

Sizes: 416с., [22]с.іл.

ISBN: 978-985-6887-06-5

Category: History; Belles-Lettres; Memoirs

Copyright © 2008 by Алесь Петрашкевіч, Мэдысонт

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version)

UDC: 821.161.3.09(093.3)

Ales Petrashkevich is a writer, scientist, a former Komsomol and Communist Party Central Committee-level functionary, one of the founders and leaders of encyclopedic research in Belarus, an architect of the 140-volume Pamyats series, the first rector, a lecturer and an honorary professor of the Belarusian State University of Culture. Ales Petrashkevich gives a critical, sarcastic and truthful account of events and describes people he met throughout his life. He writes about places that he holds so dear and the disgraceful fight against manifestations of Belarusian identity at various levels. His memoirs are a kind of confession about what he failed to do and ideas what can still be done. (Z.K.)

Catalog: Kamunikat.org

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Гістарычныя п'есы

Петрашкевіч Алесь

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