Беларускія гісторыкі на

Грудзіна Аляксандр, І родныя сэрцу мясціны…

І родныя сэрцу мясціны…

некалькі нарысаў па гісторыі горада Шклова

Грудзіна Аляксандр

Publication Place: Шклоў

Publication Date: 2007

Category: History; Religion; Society; Tourism; Memoirs

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version)

Supplementary Data: --

And Places in the Heart: Alyaksandar Hrudzin's Glimpses at History of the Town of Shklou Information about history of nearly every town in Belarus can be found in books of the Pamyats [Remembrance] series. But these books focus on the history of the Great Patriotic War, not even World War II. In this light, Alyaksandr Hrudzin's history of Shklou is of great importance for the study of local history. Regretfully, few books on history of towns have come out in Belarus lately. The book includes many of Hrudzin's articles about history of the town, its residents and conditions. This is not a systematized history study as far as its content is concerned. It consists of 11 sections devoted to life conditions of Shklou residents before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution. Hrudzin, who is not a historian by profession but has a reputation of good and scrupulous local history researcher, did not seek to write a well-structured history book. The study is an incentive and the basis for future thorough research into Shklou's history.

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Грудзіна Аляксандр, Мой радавод, мая сям’я

Мой радавод, мая сям’я

Грудзіна Аляксандр

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