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Месца выхаду: Slovak Republic
Дата выхаду: 2007
Рэдактар: Forbrig Joerg, Demeš Pavol
Выдавец: The German Marshall Fund on the United States
Памеры: 264 s.
ISBN: 978-80-969639-0-4
Катэгорыя: Палітыка; Грамадзтва
Copyright © 2007 by The German Marshall Fund on the United States
Кнігазбор: EEDC — бібліятэка Усходнеэўрапейскага дэмакратычнага цэнтру, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (папяровы асобнік)
Інвэнтарныя нумары: EEDC — [2925]
Postcommunism, with its exaggerated emphasis on the power of the economy, politics, law enforcement, justice and the media, can be seen, to some extent, as echoing the communist period. The patience of people has been enormous, but not without limits. Fortunately, the ethos of the anti-communist revolutions of 1989 and 1990, the natural self-organization of civil society and the international context made a return to totalitarianism impossible. Sooner or later, the situation in various postcommunist countries ripened into civic protest against the new abuses of power. (From the preface by Vaclav Havel)
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