Miejsce wydania: Chicago
Wydawca: St. George Belarusian Orthodox Church in Chicago
Kategoria: Religia; Społeczeństwo
Księgozbiór: BTH — biblioteka Białoruskiego Towarzystwa Historycznego, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (egzemplarz papierowy)
Numery inwentarzowe: BTH — [4772]
To preserve the Orthodox Faith as well as Belarusian and church traditions in accordance with the teachings, canons and administrative church rules and services established by the Holy Scriptures and traditions approved by the seven Ecumenical and All-Belarusian local councils and recognised by the Holy Ecumenical Apostolic Orthodox Church. Church services are conductet in the Church Slavonic language. To preserve the Belarusian language in our church life,sermons,and readings of the Bible and to extend religious morals in the parish. (fragment)
Katalog: BTH