National Security

National Security & Defence

1 (13) 2001

Miejsce wydania: Kyiv

Data wydania: 2001

Wydawca: Ukrainian Centre for Economic & Politucal Studies Named After Olexander Razumkov

Wymiary: 88 s.

Copyright © 2001 by Ukrainian Centre for Economic & Politucal Studies Named After Olexander Razumkov

Księgozbiór: EEDC — biblioteka Wschodnioeuropejskiego Centrum Demokratycznego, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (egzemplarz papierowy)

Numery inwentarzowe: EEDC — [596]

This issue of the “National Security & Defence” magazine contains information and analytical materials dealing with topical problems of Ukraine’s information security. They are specially prepared for parliamentary hearings “on the problems of information, freedom of speech, observance of the law and the status of Ukraine’s information security” to be held on January 16, 2001. It is not the first time that Razumkov Centre addresses the subject: in 1996-1998, we prepared several analytical reports that covered problem areas in the relations between the state and mass media, the freedom of speech in Ukraine and the role of mass media in the establishment of democratic civil society. The performed analysis has shown that in the present conditions, these issues are becoming still more topical than several years ago. (fragment)

Katalog: EEDC

Tylko w bibliotece Wschodnioeuropejskiego Centrum Demokratycznego (egzemplarz papierowy)