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Miejsce wydania: New York
Data wydania: 2002
Wydawca: Freedom House
Wymiary: 740 s.
ISBN: 0-7658-0174-4 (Clouth); 0-7658-0977-X (paper)
ISSN: 0732-6610
Kategoria: Polityka; Prawa człowieka; Społeczeństwo
Copyright © 2002 by Freedom House
Księgozbiór: EEDC — biblioteka Wschodnioeuropejskiego Centrum Demokratycznego, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (egzemplarz papierowy)
Numery inwentarzowe: EEDC — [2944]
Sygnatura: XIV.4.Fre
Freedom in the World is an institutional effort by Freedom House to monitor the progress and decline of political rights and civil liberties in 192 nations and 17 related and disputed territories. These year-end reviews of freedom began in 1955, when they were called the Balance Sheet of Freedom and, still later, the Annual Survey of the Progress of Freedom. This program was expanded in the early 1970s, and has appeared in a more developed context as a yearbook since 1978. (Foreword, fragment)
Katalog: EEDC
Freedom in the World 2005 could not have been completed without the contributions of numerous Freedom House staff and consultants (please see the section titled “The Survey Team” at the end of the book for a detailed list of these contributors). Several other Freedom House staff members took time out of their schedules to read and provide valuable feedback on the country reports, including Mike Staresinic and Sanja Pesek of the Belgrade... Więcej »
Freedom in the World is an institutional effort by Freedom House to monitor the progress and decline of political rights and civil liberties in 192 nations and 18 related and disputed territories. These year-end reviews of freedom began in 1955, when they were called the Balance Sheet of Freedom and, later, the Annual Survey of the Progress of Freedom. This program was expanded in the early 1970s, and has appeared in a more developed co... Więcej »
Freedom in the World is an institutional effort by Freedom House to monitor the progress and decline of political rights and civil liberties in 192 nations and 60 related and disputed territories. These year-end reviews of freedom began in 1955, when they were called the Balance Sheet of Freedom and, still later, the Annual Survey of the Progress of Freedom. This program was expanded in the early 1970s, and has appeared in a more develo... Więcej »