Sintchouk Ivan, Zaitceva Olga, Strav coin—finds to the 16-20 century

Strav coin—finds to the 16-20 century

(on example of some Belarus sites

Sintchouk Ivan, Zaitceva Olga

Miejsce wydania: Bielsk Podlaski

Data wydania: 1998

Wydawca: Братство Молодежи Православной

Wymiary: 28 s.

ISBN: 83-906934-2-9

Kategoria: Historia

Księgozbiór: BTH — biblioteka Białoruskiego Towarzystwa Historycznego, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (egzemplarz papierowy)

Numery inwentarzowe: BTH — [3426]

UKD: 904(476)+737.1(476)

In fact, the stray coin—finds remain in Belarus out of the sphere of specialist's attention. This is exolained by the lack of stray finds registration, insufficient care from the side of those archaeologists, who head expeditions. of the precise definition and pubłication of finds, by negligence from the side of numismatists towards the strav coin-finds as towards the information source on money circulation...

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