Tytuł oryginału: Хлеб і музыка
Miejsce wydania: Мінск
Data wydania: 1988
Tłumacz: Anisiya Prokofieva, Ludmila Cortes
Wydawca: Голас Радзімы
Wymiary: 64 с., 17 см
Kategoria: Literatura piękna; Przekłady
Copyright © 1988 by Гілевіч Ніл
Księgozbiór: KAMUNIKAT — ten serwis (wersja elektroniczna); MiOKB — biblioteka Muzeum i Ośrodka Kultury Białoruskiej w Hajnówce, ul. 3 Maja 42, Hajnówka (egzemplarz papierowy)
Numery inwentarzowe: MiOKB — [1674]
NIL GILEVICH, People’s Poet of Byelorussia, was born in 1931 in the village of Slaboda, in the Minsk region. He wrote several books of lyrics, collections of satire and humour and books for children. He lectures as a literary scholar and folklorist. He is the author of a series of works on folk art.
Katalog: Kamunikat.org | MiOKB
Nil Gilevich, People’s Poet of Byelorussia, was born in 1931 in the village of Slaboda, in the Minsk region. He wrote several books of lyrics, collections of satire and humour and books for children. He lectures as a literary scholar and folklorist. He is the author of a series of works on folk art. Więcej »