Голуб Юрка


Гэты дзень у гісторыі запісаўся тым, што ў 1947 годзе на сьвет зьявіўся Талент – Юрка Голуб. Па Таленце заўсёды застаецца памяць, якую нам наканавана захаваць.

Crook N., Dauderstädt M., Gerrits A., Social Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe

Social Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe

Integration - Reconciliation - Stagnation

Crook N., Dauderstädt M., Gerrits A.

Miejsce wydania: Amsterdam

Data wydania: 2002

ISBN: 90-72575-75-X

Kategoria: Polityka; Społeczeństwo

Księgozbiór: EEDC — biblioteka Wschodnioeuropejskiego Centrum Demokratycznego, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (egzemplarz papierowy)

Numery inwentarzowe: EEDC — [1102]

Sygnatura: XIV.4.CRO

This publication is the successor to the book Troubled Transition. Social Democracy in East-Central Europe (published in 1999) by Michael Dauderstädt, André Gerrits and György Márkus. In 2002 social democracy ruled in most of Western Europe while the East seemed to be solidly in the grip of the 'right'. Three years later, the picture looks quite the opposite. Social democrats have lost power in a series of elections in member states of the European Union (EU) while they have regained power in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, among other countries. The variance of political developments seems particularly relevant at a time when the greater Europe is moving closer in terms of foreign policy and economic relations: Russia is approaching the West after September 11, the Balkan countries are involved in the Stability Pact, and East-Central Europe is finishing the accession negotiations with the EU.

Katalog: EEDC

Tylko w bibliotece Wschodnioeuropejskiego Centrum Demokratycznego (egzemplarz papierowy)