Mironowicz Antoni, Pawluczuk Urszula, Walczak Wojciech, The Orthodox Church in the Balkans and Poland Connections and Common Tradition

The Orthodox Church in the Balkans and Poland Connections and Common Tradition

Mironowicz Antoni, Pawluczuk Urszula, Walczak Wojciech

Miejsce wydania: Białystok

Data wydania: 2007

Wydawca: Uniwersytet w Białymstoku

Wymiary: 319 s/? 23 cm

ISBN: 978-83-7431-116-8

Kategoria: Historia; Kultura; Religia

Copyright © 2007 by Uniwersytet w Białymstoku

Księgozbiór: BTH — biblioteka Białoruskiego Towarzystwa Historycznego, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (egzemplarz papierowy)

Numery inwentarzowe: BTH — [2119]

This volume contains reports which were presented at the international conference "The Orthodox Church in the Balkans and Poland Connections and Common Tradition". The conference was organized by The Chair of the History of East-Central Europe of the University of Bialystok in cooperation with the University of Athens and the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw. This book presents articles which are an introduction to the history of relations between the Orthodox Church in the Balkans and in East-Central Europe.

Autorzy białoruscy: Mironowicz Antoni

Katalog: BTH

Tylko w bibliotece Białoruskiego Towarzystwa Historycznego (egzemplarz papierowy)