Publication Place: Мінск
Publication Date: 2004
Publishing/ Printing House: Тэхналогія
Sizes: 350с., іл., 30см
ISBN: 985-458-096-2
Category: Ethnography; History; Culture; Society
Copyright © 2004 by Носевіч В. Л., Тэхналогія
Book Collection: BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)
Copy Numbers: BTH — [1126]
UDC: 94(476)
The Traditional Belarusian Village in a European Perspective Nosevich V. L. The author uses the population of a small area in the Lahoysk district, Minsk region, to trace the history of a Belarusian village from the 14th century (and partly from the 11th century) to the mid 20th century. Processes involving this population are analyzed in a broad historical context that covers Europe's arable farming zone stretched between the Atlantic Ocean and Russia's non-Black Earth Belt. How did our ancestors live? What did they believe in? How did they see the meaning of life? What can we learn from their experience? The author offers answers to these and other questions. The book targets professional historians, local lore researchers, history teachers, students and all those interested to learn more about the human nature, as well as those thinking about their role in the chain of past and future generations.
Catalog: BTH