Багданович Адам, Пережитки древняго міросозерцанія у белоруссовъ

Пережитки древняго міросозерцанія у белоруссовъ

Этнографический очеркъ

Багданович Адам

Publication Place: Мінск

Publication Date: 1995

Publisher: Беларусь

Publishing/ Printing House: Беларусь

Sizes: 186 с., 16 см

ISBN: 985-01-0057-5

Category: Ethnography; History; Belarusian Language; Culture

Copyright © 1995 by выдавецтва Беларусь

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy); EEDC — the library of the East European Democratic Centre, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy); MiOKB — the library of the Belarusian Culture Community and Museum, ul. 3 Maja 42, Hajnówka (hardcopy)

Copy Numbers: BTH — [1548]; EEDC — [543], [543-2]; MiOKB — [1742]

Call Number: IX.BOG

UDC: 39

Supplementary Data: Рэпрынтнае выданне; Выданне падрыхтавана па экземпляры, які захоўваецца ў фондах Літаратурнага музея М. Багдановіча; Камп'ютэрная рэканструкцыя выдання 1895 года А. Вейніка

Belarusians’ Ancient Outlook Throwbacks by Bahdanovich Adam Adam Bahdanovich have been collecting a studying relics related to Belarusians daily life and people’s outlooks for many years. His observations about life and culture of the Belarusian people were published in Minsk- and Hrodna-based periodicals. He is one of the most prominent ethnographers of the 19th century. For many years he worked on the book Belarusians’ Ancient Outlook Throwbacks much quoted by the leading researchers of Belarusian folklore. The folklore collection opens a rich and beautiful world. Although in his foreword the author “objectively” condemns Belarusians’ obscurantism, the book shows the author’s admiration of his people, which his passed over to his son, prominent Belarusian poet Maksim Bahdanovich. The book is interesting not only for reflecting the Belarusians’ beliefs in the 19th century. It also helps establish beliefs and outlooks that have survived the Russification and Sovietization. (Z.K.)

Catalog: Kamunikat.org | BTH | EEDC | MiOKB

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