Publication Place: Białystok
Publication Date: 1990
Graphics Design: Pietruk Władysław
Publisher: Sekcja naukowa ZG BTSK
Sizes: 175с., 21см
Category: Ethnography; History; Culture; Religion
Copyright © 1990 by Barszczewski A.
Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy); MiOKB — the library of the Belarusian Culture Community and Museum, ul. 3 Maja 42, Hajnówka (hardcopy); private library in Bialystok (hardcopy)
Copy Numbers: BTH — [1336], [1462]; MiOKB — [1741], [9840], [9841], [9842]
UDC: 398
Supplementary Data: Асобнік у бібліятэцы Беларускага Гістарычнага Таварыства з аўтографам Аўтара.
Belarusian Customs and Folklore in Eastern Bialystok Province Birth, Wedding, Death Barszczewski Aleksander The book by folklore researcher Aleksander Barszczewski, a lecturer with Warsaw University, focuses on customs and traditions of Belarusians living in the Bialystok area in eastern Poland. People's distinctive culture is described through the prism of ceremonies and rituals. The book provides a detailed analysis of beliefs, traditions, rituals and prejudices linked to the three phases of life from birth through wedding to death. The volume features examples of songs and legends connected with specific periods of life and family celebrations, recommendations that guided many generations, and an analysis of human relations, customs and rituals. It makes interesting reading for both experts and those curious to learn more about culture and traditions of their native land.
Belarusian Authors: Barszczewski Aleksander
Catalog: | BTH | MiOKB | Прыватны кнігазбор
Фальклор - свабодная творчасць народа - адна з найпрыгажэйшых галін духовага жыцця чалавека. Паявіўся ён у пэўнай стадыі разумовага і грамадскага жыцця чалавека і на пэўным этапе занікне як масавая з’ява. У зусім першабытную эпоху існавання чалавека фальклор не выступаў, не будзе ён выступаць і ва ўмовах высокай цывілізацыі. З гэтага выяікае, што прымітывізм першабытнага чалавека таксама неспрыяльны народнай творчасці як і высокія цывіл... More »