Штыхаў Георгі, Ажываюць сівыя стагоддзі

Ажываюць сівыя стагоддзі

Штыхаў Георгі

Publication Place: Мінск

Publication Date: 1982

Publisher: Народная асвета

Book Series: Школьнікам — аб гісторыі БССР

Publishing/ Printing House: Народная асвета

Sizes: 175 с., іл., 17см

Category: Ethnography; History; Culture; Numismatics

Book Collection: MiOKB — the library of the Belarusian Culture Community and Museum, ul. 3 Maja 42, Hajnówka (hardcopy); BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)

Copy Numbers: BTH — [1803]; MiOKB — [1753]

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Belarusian publishers: Народная асвета

Catalog: MiOKB | BTH

Only in the library of the Belarusian Culture Community and Museum (hardcopy)
Only in the library of the Belarusian Historical Association (hardcopy)