Publication Place: Гродна
Publication Date: 2001
Editor: Разенфельд У.Д.
Graphics Design: Валковіч А.М.
Sizes: 207с., іл., 21см
Category: Ethnography; History; Religion; Society; Biographies
Copyright © 2001 by Данскіх С.У.
Book Collection: BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy); EEDC — the library of the East European Democratic Centre, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)
Copy Numbers: BTH — [288]; EEDC — [733]
Call Number: VIII.2.DAN
UDC: 947.6+908
Our Shchuchyn Danskikh S.U. The monograph examines the genesis and evolution of the Belarusian town of Shchuchyn using a new methodology. The town was transferred from one country to another as a result of changes in state borders. Wars and new governors (or invaders) renamed it. Based on archival documents and chronologies of historical developments, the author traces changes in the ancient town's names – Shutino, Shchutino, Szczucin, Schtchutschin, Sciutinas, Shchuchyn, and well as the town's development path from prosperity to decline, and afterward a new rise, like phoenix from ashes. Politics, religion and statehood had a considerable effect on the town's history. The monograph focuses on all these aspects