Арашонак Арцём

Сёньня Дзень народзінаў адзначае Арцём Арашонак.

Беларуская Інтэрнэт-Бібліятэка Kamunikat.org зычыць здароўя – перадусім; добрага настрою – не толькі ў гэты дзень; цёплага сонейка ў кожную пару году, дабрыні і разуменьня блізкіх, творчых палётаў і зьдзяйсьненьня мараў.

Рудкоўскі Пётр

Сёньня Дзень народзінаў адзначае Пётр Рудкоўскі.

Беларуская Інтэрнэт-Бібліятэка Kamunikat.org зычыць здароўя – перадусім; добрага настрою – не толькі ў гэты дзень; цёплага сонейка ў кожную пару году, дабрыні і разуменьня блізкіх, творчых палётаў і зьдзяйсьненьня мараў.

Whiteruthenia (Bielarussia)

Whiteruthenia (Bielarussia)

Outlines of Whiteruthenia and the Whiteruthenian National Movement

Publication Date: 1947

Sizes: 40 s., il., 21cm

Category: History; Culture; Politics; Society

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy); private library in Bialystok (hardcopy)

Copy Numbers: BTH — [880]

To-day the name of "Whiteruthenian" (officially named broadcasting London: "Byelorussian" respectively "Whitemssian Republic" or in Whiteruthenian language-Bielarus)- is generally known in mtemational political life, it appears in the. press, in diplomatic talks, in the radio etc. At the conference of San-Francisco as well as at other conferences a special deputy of Soviet Whitemthenia was present. This representation of Soviet Whitemthenia as well as the representation of Soviet Ukraine are only political manoeuvres of the Soviet government, for Soviet Whiteruthenia as well as S'oviet Ukraine neither carry on their own policy nor can they do so, but have only to execute the commands and orders given by Moscow.

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