Volume: II
Publication Place: Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków–Gdańsk–Łódź Zakład narodowy imienia Ossolińskich
Publication Date: 1989
Editor: Glinka St.
Editorial Staff: Glinka Stanisław, Czurak Maria, Janiak Bronisława, Kondratiuk Michał, Oszer-Podgórska Cecylia
Publisher: Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Słowianoznawstwa
Publishing/ Printing House: PAN
Sizes: 218с., іл., 31см
ISBN: 83-04-00456-9 całość, 83-04-02454-3 t. II
ISSN: 0208-4058
Category: Ethnography; Culture; Methodological Literature; Literary Studies
Book Collection: BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)
Copy Numbers: BTH — [909]
The Atlas of East Slavic Dialects Spoken in the Bialystok Area This is arguably the most complete and accurate localization of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian and Polish dialects that can be found in the Bialystok area. It is possible to trace a dialect to one language or another and identify the ethnic roots of villagers by following people's migration and examining the influence of dialects on languages spoken in the area. The work includes a phonetic analysis of words, examples of different words denoting the same things in various villages. The atlas is an excellent aid for those studying Podlasie language diversity and connections among cultures. It is recommended for researchers, students and other persons interested in the subject.
Catalog: BTH
The Atlas of East Slavic Dialects Spoken in the Bialystok Area This is arguably the most complete and accurate localization of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian and Polish dialects that can be found in the Bialystok area. It is possible to trace a dialect to one language or another and identify the ethnic roots of villagers by following people's migration and examining the influence of dialects on languages spoken in the area. The work ... More »