Publication Place: Горадня
Publication Date: 2002
Publisher: Гродзенскі дзяржаўны універсітэт імя Янкі Купалы
Sizes: 427с., 21см
Category: History; Culture; Religion; Society; Biographies
Copyright © 2002 by Таиар Блинова
Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)
Copy Numbers: BTH — [419]
UDC: 930
Supplementary Data: Рецензенты: зав. отделом Института истории НАНБ Г. Я. Голенченко; кандидат исторических наук, доцент И. И. Ковкель
Jesuits in Belarus by T. B. Blinova The monograph by T. B. Blinova is the first and most successful attempt to research the order of Jesuits in Belarus. Soviet historians failed to study the subject properly, ignoring the fact that schools set up by Jesuits introduced the Belarusian lands to European civilization and made it part of it. Hundreds of schools and collegiums established on the territory of Rzeczpospolita offered new and most progressive knowledge at the time. Originally formed to counter the Reformation, the Society of Jesuits succeeded in bringing the Belarusian gentry back to the fold of the Roman Catholic Church and creating conditions for the development of science and arts. Free from ideological influences, the monograph takes an unbiased look at the order's role on the Belarusian territory.
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