Светлана Силова, Православная церковь в Белоруссии в годы Великой Отечественной (1941-1945)

Православная церковь в Белоруссии в годы Великой Отечественной (1941-1945)


Светлана Силова

Publication Place: Горадня

Publication Date: 2003

Editor: Дудко Н. П.

Publisher: Міністэрства Адукацыі РБ, Гродзенскі дзяржаўны універсітэт імя Янкі Купалы

Sizes: 105с., ил., 21см

ISBN: 985-417-508-4

Category: History; Politics; Human Rights; Religion

Copyright © 2003 by Силова Светлана

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)

Source: www.grsu.by

Copy Numbers: BTH — [604]

UDC: 281.9(476)

The Orthodox Church in Byelorussia During the Great Patriotic War The monograph on the theme, The Orthodox Church in Byelorussia During the Great Patriotic War, focuses on activities and positions of Orthodox clerics during the tough times for Belarus and its people. Members of the clergy faced a difficult choice between the establishment of an Autocephalous Orthodox Church with the help from German occupation authorities, which would make the church independent from Moscow, and loyalty to Moscow. The author sought to do a thorough and comprehensive research into Orthodox Church history by exposing the effort to win independence from the Moscow leadership and studying various attitudes to the matter. No historian took an unbiased look into the subject before. The author analyses arguments and motives that guided clerics, but regretfully some of his conclusions bear the hallmark of Soviet ideology. On the other hand, the research subject is out of tune with the official approach to history.

Catalog: Kamunikat.org | BTH

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