Wieck Hans-Georg, Silitski Vitali and others, Belarus and the EU

Belarus and the EU

From isolation towards cooperation

Wieck Hans-Georg, Silitski Vitali and others

Publication Place: Vilnius

Publication Date: 2011

Editor: Wieckv Hans-Georg, Malerius Stephan

Publisher: Konrad Adenaur Stiffung

Category: Politics; Society

Copyright © 2011 by Konrad Adenaur Stiffung, Jan Brykczyński - front cover photo

Book Collection: BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy); EEDC — the library of the East European Democratic Centre, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)

Copy Numbers: BTH — [4825]; EEDC — [1046]

This is a joint publication of the Centre for European Studies and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. This publication has received funding from the European Parliament. Sole responsibility for facts or opinions expressed in this publication rests with the authors. The Centre for European Studies, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the European Parliament assume no responsibility either for the information contained in the publication or its subsequent use.

Catalog: BTH | EEDC

Only in the library of the Belarusian Historical Association (hardcopy)
Only in the library of the East European Democratic Centre (hardcopy)