Publication Place: Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Oxford
Publication Date: 2005
Publisher: Freedom House
ISBN: 0-7425-4028-6
ISSN: 1551-9163
Category: Politics; Human Rights; Society
Copyright © 2005 by Freedom House
Book Collection: EEDC — the library of the East European Democratic Centre, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)
Copy Numbers: EEDC — [3109]
Call Number: X.3
Freedom of the Press 2005 could not have been completed without the contributions of numerous Freedom House staff and consultants. The following section, entitled “The Survey Team,” contains a detailed list of writers and advisers without whose efforts and input this project would not have been possible. We are grateful for the insights provided by those who served on this year’s review team, including Freedom House staff members Jennifer Windsor, Arch Puddington, Christopher Walker, Sarah Repucci, Leonard R. Sussman, and Adrian Karatnycky, as well as Johanna Carrillo and Nikki Kazimova of the International Center for Journalists. In addition, the ratings and narratives were reviewed by a number of Freedom House staff based in our overseas offices, including Christina Hartman of FH-Tashkent, Mike Staresinic of FH-Belgrade, Kristie Evenson and the staff at the FH-Budapest office, and the staff of the FH-Jordan office. This report also reflects the findings of the Freedom House study Freedom in the World 2005: The Annual Survey of Political Rights and Civil Liberties. (Acknowledgments, fragment)
Catalog: EEDC