Цыхун Апанас, Пройдзеныя шляхі-пуцявіны

Пройдзеныя шляхі-пуцявіны

Запіскі, ўспаміны, аўтабіяграфія

Цыхун Апанас

Publication Place: Горадня

Publication Date: 2002

Editor: Вашкевіч Андрэй

Publisher: Ратуша

Category: History; Belles-Lettres; Memoirs

Copyright © 2002 by Апанас Цыхун

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version)

Supplementary Data: --

Roads, Paths Passed by Apanas Tsykhun This is a story of a man who knows about life in Western Belarus from his own experience, not from books. The author describes the genre as recollections, notes and a biography. Picturesque stories about Belarusian traditional way of life and natural beauty, which was an integral part of Apanas Tsykhun's life, lure readers to the charming land surrounding the River Nyoman. The book is not only about the area's natural beauty, but also about a difficult struggle for national pride during the Polish occupation of Western Belarus. It tells a story of real Belarusian patriots who were used by Moscow seeking to assert its interests in Poland. Moscow initially backed the Communist Party of Western Belarus but later eliminated it as a dangerous and hostile group.

Catalog: Kamunikat.org

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