Голуб Юрка


Гэты дзень у гісторыі запісаўся тым, што ў 1947 годзе на сьвет зьявіўся Талент – Юрка Голуб. Па Таленце заўсёды застаецца памяць, якую нам наканавана захаваць.

Alkaev Oleg, Shooters Team

Shooters Team

There is a profession killing people

Alkaev Oleg

Publication Place: Warszawa

Publication Date: 2010

Publisher: Dzmitry Surba Open Belarus Foundation

Sizes: 240 s.

Category: Politics; Human Rights

Copyright © 2006 by Oleg Alkaev; Copyright © 2010 by Dzmitry Surba

Book Collection: EEDC — the library of the East European Democratic Centre, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)

Copy Numbers: EEDC — [3240]

Call Number: XV.2

Who is guilty of the disappearance of political opponents of Lukashenko? How did they disappear and where are they? Who will explain this to mothers, wives, children of all those who disappeared? Answers to these questions are one of the most important enigmas of the contemporary Belarus. Whereas, the very questions divide the Belarus society. The division is by political elites, close to Lukashenko, who know answers to these questions. Yet, the division is also by regular Belarus citizens, who practically know nothing about what happened, as well as by people who over ten years are trying to make people aware of the truth. (Foreword, fragment)

Catalog: EEDC

Only in the library of the East European Democratic Centre (hardcopy)