Publication Place: Minsk
Publication Date: 1994
Editor: Багдановіч В.
Publisher: Тэхналогія
Category: History; Politics; Society
Book Collection: EEDC — the library of the East European Democratic Centre, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)
Copy Numbers: EEDC — [2253]
Call Number: XIV.3.Nov
Supplementary Data: This booklet was prepared on the initiative of International Association BELFRANCE to introduce Belarus in the world.
Since 1991 the Republic of Belarus has taken its place in Eastern Europe as a new independent state. Though the history of Belarusan statehood goes back as far as the 10th century, the world community has discovered this nation only now. This was because being one of the republics of the former USSR (Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic or BSSR) Belarus wasn't represented in the world as an independent political, economical, ethnical and linguistic formation. It was looked upon as one of the members of the Soviet monolith. (fragment)
Belarusian publishers: Тэхналогія
Catalog: EEDC
The idea for this publication is based on the conviction that among foreign organizations there is little reliable information concerning Belarus, and in particular information regarding social organizations in this country. This results in a lack of understanding by foreign and international organizations of the problems of Belarus, the failure of many programs and the discouragement of many foreign organizations which have worked in t... More »