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Проблемы Восточной Европы, nubmer 27-28

Проблемы Восточной Европы

Problems of Eastern Europe

nubmer 27-28

Publication Place: New York

Publication Date: 1989

Editor: Silnitsky Frantishek, Silnitsky Larisa

Category: Politics; Society

Copyright © 1989 by Problems of Eastern Europe

Book Collection: EEDC — the library of the East European Democratic Centre, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)

Copy Numbers: EEDC — [1911]

Call Number: XIV.1.

Supplementary Data: Publication of this issue was made possible by a grant from the National Endowment for Democracy

Problems of Eastern Europe is an independent quarterly journal whose purpose is to foster readers' acquaintance with the political and economic thinking and political experience of the nations of Eastern Europe and the USSR. The peoples and states of the region are distinct from one another, a fact conditioned by their historical development. At the same time there exist analogous political and economic structures in all of the countries, as a result of which analogous problems emerge as well. Contradictions and conflicts exist in the region, many of which are cultivated on the basis of various nations' lack of information about one another, as well as insufficient communication between representatives of these peoples and the countries. Our aim is to make up for these deficiencies as much as possible. We are grateful to the editors of journals issued in the West in the languages of the nations of Eastern Europe, as well as to the authors and publishers for permission to use their material.

Catalog: EEDC

Only in the library of the East European Democratic Centre (hardcopy)