Ляхоўскі Уладзімір


Гэты дзень у гісторыі запісаўся тым, што ў 1964 годзе на сьвет зьявіўся Талент – Уладзімір Ляхоўскі. Па Таленце заўсёды застаецца памяць, якую нам наканавана захаваць.

Chmielewski Mariusz, Gudaszewski Grzegorz, Jakubowski Andrzej, Wyznania religijne i stowarzyszenia narodowościowe i etniczne w Polsce 2006-2008

Wyznania religijne i stowarzyszenia narodowościowe i etniczne w Polsce 2006-2008

Chmielewski Mariusz, Gudaszewski Grzegorz, Jakubowski Andrzej

Publication Place: Warszawa

Publication Date: 2010

Editor: Gudaszewski Grzegorz, Chmielewski Mariusz

Graphics Design: Motrenko-Makuch Lidia

Publisher: Główny Urząd Statystyczny

Publishing/ Printing House: Zakład Wydawnictw Statystycznych

Category: Culture; Society

Copyright © 2010 by Główny Urząd Statystyczny

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)

Copy Numbers: BTH — [4327]

Supplementary Data: Publikację przygotowano w Departamencie Badań Demograficznych.

Central Statistical Office gives into the readers hands the sixth edition of the publication on denominations and ethnic organisations existing and acting in Poland in years 2006-2008 (first edition was published in 1993). The main aim of this publication is to provide objective knowledge about changes in number and territorial distribution of the structures and institutions of religious life and ethnic groups organisation. Information on this topic are constantly sought-after not only in Poland, but also abroad. (Preface, fragment)

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Catalog: Kamunikat.org | BTH