Першы Міжнародны Кангрэс даследчыкаў Беларусі, Volume 1

Першы Міжнародны Кангрэс даследчыкаў Беларусі

Працоўныя матэрыялы

Volume: 1

Publication Place: Kaunas

Publication Date: 2011

Publisher: Vytautas Magnus University

Sizes: 368 с.

ISBN: 978-9955-12-803-8, 978-9955-12-804-5 (online)

Category: Economics; Philosophy; History; Culture; Politics; Human Rights; Religion; Society; Literary Studies

Copyright © 2011 Інстытут “Палітычная сфера”, Vytautas Magnus University

Book Collection: BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)

Copy Numbers: BTH — [4279]

The International Congress of Belarusian Studies was founded at the meeting of Belarusian and Lithuanian scholars and experts on 6 October, 2010 in Kaunas, Lithuania. The Congress was initiated as an annual meeting of Belarusian and foreign scholars, experts, analysts and representatives of civil society and government institutions who are involved in studying Belarus. The Congress' mission is to promote a deeper understanding of Belarus in academic and civil communities of the country, region and the world. The Congress aims to become a place for presentation of the outcomes of scholarly and expert activities produced throughout the year. In addition, the Congress is an excellent opportunity to develop new research and community projects, exchange views and ideas and establish informal contacts. The Congress combines traditional academic activities with expert panels and public discussions on topical issues of Belarusian politics, culture, society, regional and intemational cooperation.

Catalog: BTH