Bieńkowska Krystyna, Kiziukiewicz Natallia, Dziedzictwo archeologiczne Podlasia i Grodzieńszczyzny

Dziedzictwo archeologiczne Podlasia i Grodzieńszczyzny = Археалагічная спадчына Падляшша і Гарадзеншчыны

Bieńkowska Krystyna, Kiziukiewicz Natallia

Publication Place: Białystok

Publication Date: 2006

Translator: Kiziukiewicz Natallia, Radłowska Karolina

Publisher: Muzeum Podlaskie w Białymstoku

Sizes: 104 s.

ISBN: 978-83-87026-67-7

Category: Ethnography; History; Tourism

Book Collection: private library in Bialystok (hardcopy)

A turning point in the history of Bialystok and the north-east part of Poland was a creation in 1949 of the town’s first museum. Initially it was run by the community but in 1952 it became nationalised. During the first years of its existence the collection mainly consisted of folk crafts and historic relics acquired after World War II during the town’s reconstruction. In 1955 in The Vojevodi Heritage Office (Urzad Wojewodzkiego Konserwatora Zabytkow) a position of inspector of archaeological relics was established (The duties of the Conservator of Archaeological Relics were entrusted to Jan Jaskanis who fulfilled that position until 1975).

Only in the library of the private person in Belastok (hardcopy)