Пецюкевіч Мар’ян, Лісты



Пецюкевіч Мар’ян

Publication Place: Беласток

Publication Date: 2005

Editor: Глагоўская Галена, Харужы Вячаслаў

Publishing/ Printing House: Offset-Print, Białystok

Sizes: 154с., ил., 21см

ISBN: 83-60456-00-3

Category: History

Copyright © 2005 by Białoruskie Towarzystwo Historyczne

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy); EEDC — the library of the East European Democratic Centre, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy); MiOKB — the library of the Belarusian Culture Community and Museum, ul. 3 Maja 42, Hajnówka (hardcopy); private library in Bialystok (hardcopy)

Copy Numbers: BTH — [1288], [1287]; EEDC — [3205]; MiOKB — [10494]

Call Number: XIII.6

Supplementary Data: Zrealizowano przy udziale wsparcia finansowego Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji --

Not so long ago, in the 1950s, people separated by distance had no other means to correspond with each except for mail. Correspondence was a major source of information for researchers of the 20th century history and history of the earlier period. A letter is not just an account of events. It reflects the authors' inner realm, personal feelings, experiences and hopes. People sent letters on business and letters to loved ones. Letters (1956-1982) Maryan Petsyukevich saw the light thank to the Bialystok Belarusian History Society. Although he lived far away in Torun, Maryan Petsyukevich was one of the most prominent researchers of Podlasie. He should be given credit for his studies of Belarusian ethnography in the area. His efforts resulted in the opening of Belarusian museums in Poland. The book features Petsyukevich's correspondence with Maryya Znamirouskaya-Pryuferava, Alyaksandar Berhman, Matsey Kanapatski, Lyutsyyan Turkouski, Yana Heydzinka-Pilatava and Yury Turonak. It also includes his correspondence with the Niva weekly, with which the researcher cooperated for quite a long time.

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Worth reading:

Пецюкевіч Мар’ян, Сляды незабыўныя продкаў

Сляды незабыўныя продкаў

этнаграфічныя нарысы

Пецюкевіч Мар’ян

У кніжцы ўпершыню сабраны паасобныя навуковыя працы вядомага беларускага этнографа Мар'яна Язэпавіча Пецюкевіча, напісаныя ім як у даваенны час, так і ў 1950— 1970-я гады. Раскрываюцца традыцыйныя, адвечныя ўяўленні, павер'і беларускага народа, шматлікія асаблівасці яго адметнай духоўнай і матэры-яльнай культуры. Разлічана на фалькпарыстаў і этнографаў, літаратуразнаўцаў, настаўнікаў, бі6ліятэкараў, студэнтаў філалагічных спецыяльнасцей... More »