Бандарук Канстанцін, Пазнай сваё

Пазнай сваё

Бандарук Канстанцін

Publication Place: Беласток – Прага – Саўт-Рывэр

Publication Date: 1997

Sizes: 142 с., 21 см

Category: Culture; Religion

Copyright © Канстанцін Бандарук

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy); MiOKB — the library of the Belarusian Culture Community and Museum, ul. 3 Maja 42, Hajnówka (hardcopy)

Copy Numbers: BTH — [2914], [4472]; MiOKB — [3131]

Get to Know Yourself is another book by Father Kanstantsin Bandaruk, a priest. It is a sequel to The Truth Will Liberate Us. It also features reflections on religious topics. The author departs from a classic clerical style, conducting a free discussion. The style is not commonly used in religious practices, but his reflections can be used by the faithful and by priests during preparations for sermons. The Holy Book is the universal Word of God addressed to the people of all times, including to us.

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Бандарук Канстанцін

The Only Need is the third book by priest, poet, artist and journalist Father Kanstantsin Bandaruk. Like his two previous titles it features reflections on religious topics. The previous book entitled the Truth Will Liberate You contains several dozen articles on various subjects written within several years. The book includes comments on the Ten Commandments that are always relevant. As the author says, we seem to know them but should ... More »

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Бандарук Канстанцін

Few religious books have been published in Belarusian. Paradoxically, there are no canonic Church-approved good translations of the Holy Bible, liturgical texts and books for teaching religion. Teachers use foreign-language publications. On the other hand, Belarusian-language books have not been printed because there is no brisk demand for them. This seems to be a vicious circle but there must be a way out. The Belarusian language is ha... More »