Publication Place: Менск
Publication Date: 1997
Editor: Мальдзіс Адам
Editorial Staff: Адам Мальдзіс (галоўны рэдактар), Аляксандр Міхальчанка, Таццяна Рошчына, Аркадзь Тоўсцік
Publisher: Нацыянальны навукова-асветны цэнтр імя Ф.Скарыны
Book Series: Вяртанне
ISBN: 985-6419-05-0
Category: History; Culture; Society
Copyright © 1997 by Нацыянальны навукова-асветны цэнтр імя Ф.Скарыны
Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy); EEDC — the library of the East European Democratic Centre, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)
Copy Numbers: BTH — [1239]; EEDC — [445], [445-2], [445-3]
Call Number: VII.2.RES
Supplementary Data: Крыніца:; Падрыхтавана да друку і выдадзена за сродкі UNESCO
The collection features material of an international conference on the return and shared use of museum, library and archival items. The conference was held in Minsk under the aegis of UNESCO. It brought together scientists from Belarus, Germany, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and the United States for discussions of moral, cultural and legal aspects of the issue. Some of valuables have been returned to the countries of origin while others have been claimed by their original owners. Participants at the conference made recommendations for politicians and scientists on the shared use of valuables.
Catalog: | BTH | EEDC