Чарнякевіч Андрэй

Сёньня Дзень народзінаў адзначае Андрэй Чарнякевіч.

Беларуская Інтэрнэт-Бібліятэка Kamunikat.org зычыць здароўя – перадусім; добрага настрою – не толькі ў гэты дзень; цёплага сонейка ў кожную пару году, дабрыні і разуменьня блізкіх, творчых палётаў і зьдзяйсьненьня мараў.

Лыч Леанід


Гэты дзень у гісторыі запісаўся тым, што ў 1929 годзе на сьвет зьявіўся Талент – Леанід Лыч. Па Таленце заўсёды застаецца памяць, якую нам наканавана захаваць.

Ткачев Василь, Недоразумения


Веселые и грустные истории в 2-х действиях

Ткачев Василь

Publication Place: Гомель

Publication Date: 1997

Category: Belles-Lettres

Copyright © 1997 by Ткачоў В.

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version)

“Непаразуменні” (Misunderstandings), a collection of two-scene plays, features four “misunderstandings” as the author calls them. The first misunderstanding is entitled “Следчы эксперымент” (A Crime Reenactment), the second is “Дурная баба” (A Stupid Country Woman), the third is “Добрыя адносіны да сабакі” (A Good Attitude to a Dog) and the last one is “Сланечнікі” (Sunflowers). In each misunderstanding events are unfolding at our days. The characters are our contemporaries and the situations they have deal with have been observed in real life. Vasil Tkachou looks at reality, people and ourselves with our eyes. While reading his plays, one recognizes himself or his neighbors. The plays leave no one indifferent. The readers will enjoy his humor and reflect on the funny and tragic sides of recounted situations.

Belarusian Authors: Ткачев Василь

Catalog: Kamunikat.org

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Worth reading:

Ткачев Василь, Кто-то ходит за окном…

Кто-то ходит за окном…


Ткачев Василь

Alesya, a nine-grader, has just buried her mother. How will she keep on living? What will she do? Her village is not a city, she’s got to take care of a caw, a pig and chickens. She needs to go to school. A man comes from town to persuade her to move to his apartment and live with his family. Why? Who is he, this kind man? The questions haunt the reader until the end of the play “Нехта ходзіць за вакном...” (Someone’s Walking Ouside). T... More »