Мацкевич Владимир, Егоров Андрей, Водолажская Татьяна, Становление нации в Беларуси: от подданства к гражданству

Становление нации в Беларуси: от подданства к гражданству

Заметки к концепции гражданского образования в Беларуси

Мацкевич Владимир, Егоров Андрей, Водолажская Татьяна

Publication Date: 2008

Publisher: Центр социальных иноваций

Book Series: Беларусь для начинающих

Category: History; Society

Copyright © 2008 by Центр социальных иноваций, Мацкевич Владимир, Егоров Андрей, Водолажская Татьяна

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); EEDC — the library of the East European Democratic Centre, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy)

Copy Numbers: EEDC — [818]

National and civic relations, ethnic and civic identity are still relevant topics for Belarusian researchers. As the authors note, by studying these topics most people hope to find a key to understanding processes going on in modern Belarus. The authors sought to see Belarus so as to understand topical processes and actively and functionally influence them. The authors consider it necessary to “disappoint and rationalize the Belarusian nation’s history to be able steer it.” This is the fourth book of the Belarus for Beginners series launched by the Civic Technology Agency and the Center for Sociological Studies. The main purpose of the series is to attract attention of Belarusian and foreign researchers and readers to civic society issues in modern Belarus. (Z.K.)

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